ok i know its already november but yea i missed one week to tell you about in oct. so the last week of oct, the first 2 days were holiday! HAPPY DEEPAVALI! awwwww at 12 midnite on the 27th there were so many beautiful fireworks, then me and miamio decided to buy it the next day. but until today we couldnt find one. sucks. bret
on the 27th, at first my class was planning to go to pulau ketam, but found out none could be reached. tetot. left only me, miamio, emak, andrew, the four of us were thinking so hard for where to go. so ended up me, miamio and aldado went to pulau ketam (kekeuuuh) while emak and andrew went for marahon movie. ok so here comes the adventure of bolang(s)!
ehem. buat mencapai ke pulau ketam, kita hrs naik KTM sampe ke pel klang (which is yg paling ujung, duh) trus dilanjutkan dg jetty ber-ac 30 menit. jd diitung2 yaa 1 jam 15 menitan lahaay. capek. laperr. sampe2 pulau ketam, begh wangi makanan aja ud sampe ke idung, tambah lapar oh tambah lapaarr! setelah memilah milih restoran, akhirnya nemu juga 1 yg rame. kita mesen 1 lala (ky kerang gt), sweet sour fish, sama fried squid (ok gue ngetik skr jd ikutan laper. zzz) makannya pada kalap oh kalaap! tapi please deh ya pemangdangan makannya sempet dong ada anjing rabies lewat bolak balik. euuwwwww groossssss! hoeg, tapi tetep kalap. haghaghag
after eating like pigs, kita menjelajahi si pulau lebih dalem. ternyata ada templenya jg loh! trus makin ke dalem itu rumah2 penduduk, kecil2 lucu gt, ada juga yg jualan d rmhnya. one thing i found from the houses there is one house have the same interior with others, they have like chinese interior in every houses. hem interesting! gilerr udaranya panasnya si gatau diri, jadilah kita bertiga pergi beli topi payung! haiehaiuehaiuehu begook oh begooooookk. gpp eksperimen deh. saking g tahannya sama udara, kita memutuskan untuk balik, tapi pas arah balik, kita nemu kedai (hais kedai) yg kayanya jualan minum. aus bang. yaudin kita masuk deh, nanya ada minum apa? dijawabin tp kok ky gada unsur2 esnya, ih ogeng justru lg butuh ais bang, panas! yaudah kita keluar deh. eh sebelom bener2 keluar, si abang teriak "teh-o-ais mau?!" awwwwwwww MAU ABANG, MAU! teh-o-ais memang maknyuuuuusssssssss
ella ella e e e
kemanknyusan teh-o-ais
yaudah abis merasakan kesegaran teh-o-ais, kita cao pulang. bingung pake kapal yg mana, akhirnya kita beli dr si uncle2 ... YANG TERNYATA PENIPU! udah kapalnya ac angin, goyang2 (gue sea sick bok) eh GAK JALAN2! nunggu 1 jam dl dong sebelom jalan while kapal yg ber-ac ud bolak balik ada kali 3 kapal! IH. udah bayar sii jadi pasrah aja gue. bangke. udah mana pake segala muter dulu cuma buat liat "titanic" tenggelem, noraaaaaakk gue pusiiiiing mau pulaaangg! grrrrrr
sea sick tapi pose
akhirnya setelah menempuh seasick sejaman, KTMan, nyampe jg d setia jaya. sempet nyari si bunga api sayangnya tidak dapet. hiks.
I love october! mwa